Storytelling at DePaul
Storytelling at DePaul

Storytelling at DePaul

“We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.”

At DePaul, we believe in the power of storytelling to inform, unite, and make change. Our storytelling projects range from blog posts to podcasts to videos.

We hope you will read, listen, watch, and share with your family, friends, and community.

Recent Storytelling Projects:

play button iconImpossible Choices Documentary

This 30-minute documentary takes a deeper look at the disabilities system in Virginia through the eyes of those who navigate it every day.

DePaul on YouTube

Our YouTube channel features visual stories from the youth and families we serve and stories about the work we do and the impact it has.

Unsettled: From Hard Places Podcast

Unsettled: From Hard Places dives deep into trauma and attachment, shares the stories of parents who are caring for kids from hard places, and explores how communities can do more to support those who need it.

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Unsettled: Aging Out Podcast

Unsettled: Aging Out follows three former foster youth as they navigate life inside and outside the foster care system. The podcast also looks at ways in which the child welfare system works and ways in which it doesn’t.

Opening Doors to Hope and Belonging Podcast

This podcast explores the worlds of foster care, adoption, and intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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Stories of Hope Blog

Our blog is the storytelling hub for the organization.

Expressions Newsletter-Fall/Winter 2024

Our Expressions newsletters highlight stories from various DePaul programs across our footprint. They also allow us to inform donors about the ways their generosity impacts the populations we serve.

Annual Report 2023

Each year, DePaul compiles an Annual Report featuring stories from across the organization. The report includes information about events and happenings throughout the year, as well as donations, donors, and other support.

A Foster Child’s Journey Series

A Foster Child’s Journey is a six-part series tracing the trials and triumphs of a personal foster care experience.