The Gathering
The Gathering

The Gathering

Earlier this month, employees of DePaul joined together for two days at Camp Bethel for our annual Gathering. During this event, we participated in several fun and restorative activities, recognized our FIRST award recipients, and celebrated our 40th birthday as an organization. We intentionally took time to focus on the important connection between self-care and safety.

The work we do at DePaul takes a toll on us—mentally, emotionally, and physically. Along with the hope, joy, gratitude, and reward that comes with our life-changing work, we also face loss and disappointment. Over time, these experiences can lead to us to a state of burn-out, affecting our work and our home lives. It is important to take steps to restore ourselves and make a commitment to practicing self-care.

It’s easy to neglect yourself when others’ needs are your priority. You can’t give what you don’t have. Taking the time for the things that keep you grounded—whether it’s hiking, reading, painting, or listening to music—allows you to be your best self as you serve others. At DePaul, we believe that we can give the best to our clients when we are giving the best to ourselves as well.

Congratulations to our FIRST Award Recipients!

Service Award: Beverly Edmonds, Roanoke/ Administration

The service award recognizes those who contribute positively to the life of our organization through their support of others. They may often be behind-the-scenes and their work may not be well-known, but their attitude and contribution demonstrates a heart for service and support.

Teamwork Award: Ryan Long, Waterlick/ DD

The teamwork award shines light on those who refuse to do their work in a silo. These folks understand and appreciate the richness of others in and around DePaul and reach out to share expertise, resources, ideas and decision-making. They show us that we are not in our work alone.

Leadership Award: Ryan Downey, Christiansburg/ CFS

The leadership award highlights those who keep showing us what is possible. They point us in the right direction and are always thinking ahead. They give us hope about the future and pull us along. They do not mind being different or unpopular.