Donor Listings
Donor Listings

Donor Listings

Annual Report 2024



Albemarle High School

Andrew Ferralli

Athithi Prakash

Ayers Financial Services

Book Baskets

Chick-fil-A of Roanoke (Valley View)

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Claire Kennett

Cortney and Vicki Widener

David and Betsy Cossaboon

Diana Camper

Down Home Creamery

Emily Copenhaver


Firehouse Skate N Play

Hannah Mathes

Irvin and Sam Marshall

Jenna B Photography

Jordan and Ryan Kidd

Lady B Photography

Liz Dunbar

Mill Creek Baptist Church and the Baptist Women’s Ministry

More Better Technology

Nellie Foster

Pinnacle Financial Partners

Travis and Clara Holland

University of Virginia Athletics


Valley Street Baptist Church

Waymaker Church



Anne M Orrell Charitable Foundation

Ayers Financial Services

Bascom Slemp Foundation

C.E. Richardson Benevolent Foundation

Cantey Tech Consulting

Carilion Clinic

Centra Health

Clearstead Advisory Solutions

Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge

Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia

Daleville Institute, Inc.

Dominion Risk Advisors, LLC

DuPont Community Credit Union

C. Wareheim Foundation


Freedom First

Friendship Marina and Chris and Kathy Koserski

Harry and Zoe Poole Foundation

Jesse N. Bosang Trust

Julia and Tunnicliff Fox Charitable Trust

Marsh McLennan Agency LLC

Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation, Inc.

McGrath Family Foundation

McKesson Foundation


Our Savior Lutheran Church

PayPal Giving Fund

Pinnacle Financial Partners

ProChem Incorporated


RCM&D Foundation

Roanoke City Human Services

Roanoke Women’s Foundation

Speedway Children’s Charities

Suburban Propane LP

The Al Stroobants Foundation

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County

The Edgar A. Thurman Charitable Foundation for Children

The Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation

The Hughes Philanthropic Society

The J & E Berkley Foundation

The Robert E. Miller Group

The Sam and Marion Golden Helping Hand Foundation, Inc.


Vinton Moose Family Center #1121

William Dean Charitable Foundation

Woods Rogers

Wythe-Bland Foundation


Adam Kelly and Miranda Fitzgerald

Amber McClure

Andie Nelson

Anna K. Ward Bartlett

Barbara Metz

Betty McCrary

Brent and Shelly Hutson

Brian DeWeese and Renee Brown

Brittani Lewit

Bryan and Daria VanRavestein

Carly Sumpter

Charles and Barbara Rockacy

Chris and Eyvette Evans

Chris and Michele Brumfield

Chris McGrath

Chris Westerdahl

Chris Winchell

Claire Kennett

Cole Frantz Semones

Curtis Thompson

Cynthia Landsheft

David and Betsy Cossaboon

David and Claudia Garrett

David and Janet Crawford

David Lefler

Deborah Snead

Deirdre Perry

Diane Fishburn

Donna Littlepage and Melissa Robinson

Doug and Jan Smythers

Ed and Laura Israel

Edward and Melissa Smith

Elaine Higgins

Elizabeth Himeon

Emily Mayhew

Erica Jones

Fay Spence and Kathy McCauley

Gary and Donna Dent

Gary and Sandra Bradford

Gary Wilburn

Gordon and Susan Ewald

Greg and Amy Wolford

Greg and Mary Withers

Haden and Julie Dudley

Heather S. Davenport

Hope Robinson

Howard and Diane Grove

Irvin and Sam Marshall

James and Meredith Henry

Jennifer L. Smythers

John and Jean Wilt

John and Martha Parrott

Jorge Santos

Josselin Castillo

Julie Tanner

June Taft

Kate Means

Katherine Strickland

Kathy Martin

Katie Henry

Katrina Zepp

Kelli Boyer

Kevin and Beverly Binner

Kyle and Debra Stoots

Laura Rawlings

Lauren Rique

Leah Stiegler

Lee and Gretchen Dowless

Leidra H. McQueen

Leslie Lee

Lisa Street

Lisa Williams

Manley and Kathryn Alford

Margaret and Luthur Beazley

Maritza Harvey

Mark and Wendy Lucas

Matthew and Andrea Zimmerman

Michael and Ashleigh Norton

Michael and Jerri Alexiou

Michael Patrick

Michelle Cooley

Michelle Hughes

Mike and Jennifer Munsey

Misti Greer

Nancy Mastry

Pat Broderick

Pat Grizzel

Paul Riner

Preston and Anna Taylor

Quanesha Moyer

Ray and Lauren Sherwood

Rebecca Noell

Reynolds G. Lynch III

Richard and Lori Shepherd

Richard Ethan Cook

Robert and Anne Lewit

Robert and Molly Moore

Russell and Rhonda Pedigo

S D and D H Brads

Sanford Gurian and Holly Peters

Sara Manning

Scott and Kim Miller

Shari Lefler

Stephan and Joan Boardman

Stephanie Burch

Steve and Jenny Wickline

Steve Bowery

Thomas Karrasch

Tim and Robyn McGrath

Todd and Amy Kageals

Tom Fraticelli

Tom R. Brock

Troy and Michelle Smith

Victoria Johnson

Vincent and Christina Trombetta

Warren and LaVonne McPherson

Wesley Brusseau and Jacob Jackson

William and Billie Black

William and Laura Thomas

William Fritz


Chris McGrath In Memory of Patrick McGrath

Chris Winchell In Memory of Patrick McGrath

Cynthia Landsheft In Memory of Patrick McGrath

David and Claudia Garrett In Memory of Patrick McGrath

David Lefler In Memory of Patrick McGrath

Emily Mayhew In Memory of Ben Mayhew

Gordon and Susan Ewald In Memory of Andrew L. Roberts III

Howard and Diane Grove In Memory of Patrick McGrath

Josselin Castillo In Memory of Patrick McGrath

Lauren Rique In Memory of Patrick McGrath

Lisa Street In Honor of Goldia Belcher

Lisa Williams In Honor of Sam Hall

McGrath Family Foundation In Memory of Patrick McGrath

Michelle Cooley In Honor of Mariah Moyer

Nancy Mastry In Honor of Nicholas J Mastry, III

Richard and Lori Shepherd In Honor of Sussi Walters

Shari Lefler In Memory of Patrick McGrath

Nathaniel G. Hughes Memorial Scholarship Fund

Adam Kelly and Miranda Fitzgerald

Diane Fishburn

Elaine Higgins

Elizabeth Himeon

Gretchen and Lee Dowless

Julie Tanner

Leslie Lee

Michelle Hughes

Rhonda and Russell Pedigo

Robert and Molly Moore

S D and D H Brads

Stephanie Burch

Vincent and Christina Trombetta

William and Laura Thomas

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